Further evidence that Mars once had oceans emerges

The European Space Agency (ESA) has provided more evidence that suggests the surface of Mars was once home to an ocean. Featuring ground-penetrating radar capabilities, the MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) radar aboard the ESA's Mars Express spacecraft has detected sediments like that seen on an ocean floor.
In 1877, with the aid of a 22 cm (8.6 in) telescope, Italian astronomer Giovanni Sciaparelli produced the first detailed map of Mars, which featured what he called canali. Although canali actually means "channels" in English, it was popularly mistranslated as "canals," which, along with books by Percival Lowell, helped foster the popular notion of water and life - including Martians - on the Red Planet's surface. Although these "canals" were later proven to be an optical illusion, these myths weren't dispelled until NASA's Mariner missions in the 1960's.
Yet more recent mapping efforts still point to there being liquid water on the planet's surface at some point in its history. It is within the boundaries of features tentatively identified in images from various spacecraft as shorelines that MARSIS detected sedimentary deposits reminiscent of an ocean floor.
"MARSIS penetrates deep into the ground, revealing the first 60 - 80 meters (197 - 262 ft) of the planet's subsurface," says Wlodek Kofman, leader of the radar team at the Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG). "Throughout all of this depth, we see the evidence for sedimentary material and ice."
The sediments detected by MARSIS are areas of low radar reflectivity, which typically indicates low-density granular materials that have been eroded away by water and carried to their final resting place.
"We interpret these as sedimentary deposits, maybe ice-rich. It is a strong new indication that there was once an ocean here," says Jérémie Mouginot, from IPAG and the University of California, Irvine.
Two oceans at different times in Mars' history have been proposed - one 4 billion years ago when warmer conditions prevailed, and one 3 billion years ago when geothermal activity may have caused subsurface ice to melt and flow into areas of low elevation.

Dr Mouginot estimates that this latter ocean would have lasted only a million years or less, with the water either being frozen in place underground again, or turned into vapor and released into the atmosphere.
"I don't think it could have stayed as an ocean long enough for life to form," he says, suggesting astrobiologists would have to look further back into Mars' history when liquid water existed for much longer periods.
But the ESA says the MARSIS findings provide some of the best evidence yet that large bodies of water once existed on the surface of Mars and that liquid water played a role in martian geological history.
"Previous Mars Express results about water on Mars came from the study of images and mineralogical data, as well as atmospheric measurements. Now we have the view from the subsurface radar," says Olivier Witasse, ESA's Mars Express Project Scientist. "This adds new pieces of information to the puzzle but the question remains: where did all the water go?"
The ESA says the Mars Express spacecraft, which was launched in 2003 and has been granted five mission extensions - the latest until 2014 - will continue its investigations with the hope of providing an answer.

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Eco-Detergents: Nuts about Soap Nuts! Belinda Kersten Eco Detergent: Nuts About Soap Nuts Following on a short story of these little wonders of nature, ( In the HOMEMAKERSonline February Newsletter), I was inspired to investigate further and see where I can get my hands on some. There aren't many suppliers of soap nuts in South Africa, but I discovered one site that sells them, reasonably inexpensively. Visit www.naturesoap.co.za On this site you can discover the various uses of Soap Nuts as well as order them for R85 per 500g. Here are some of the uses of soap nuts that I’ve found have made them a staple in MY home: LAUNDRY The easiest way to use them for laundry, is to simply pop 3 to 6 soapnuts in the
small muslin bag (supplied with soap nuts from www.naturesoap.co.za), tie it closed, and throw it into the drum of your washing machine along with your articles of clothing that need washing. You can reuse one batch for 4 or 5 loads of laundry. Soapnuts are highly-effective and gentle at the same time. They will leave your laundry fresh and clean, colours bright and no need for fabric softener. When the Saponin has been used up the shells will look dark and feel mushy, at this point you can safely throw them on your compost heap or put them aside for making soap nut liquid (Instructions on making soap nut liquid on the site) Soapnuts are both Ecological and Economical when compared to 
other forms of detergents. 1 kg of soapnuts can be used for up to 150 loads of 
laundry. WASHING DISHES Use soapnut liquid for washing your dishes. Don’t be deceived by the lack of 
bubbles, since there are no artificial foaming agents so there will be very few 
if any lasting bubbles. This in no way impacts on the ability of the liquid to 
clean your dishes. If you are using a dish washer, just pop 3 shells in the bottom 
of the cutlery holder and some vinegar in the rinse aid dispenser and your dishes 
will come out sparkling clean. SHAMPOO Simply use soapnut liquid instead of regular shampoo, it is not as thick as 
standard shampoos, and does not create as much artificial lather, so beware that 
you do not use too much, as a little goes a long way. Soapnut shampoo will leave 
your hair clean, naturally. STEAM CLEANING SPOT TREATMENT Add 45ml to 4L hot water and use in a portable steam cleaner. Great for getting out 
urine smells and stains. A table spoon of bicarbonate of soda added to this is 
specially good for removing cat smells. SOAPNUTS: • Are imported from India (shipped, as this is more enviro-friendly than flying them in). • Have been growing in the wild for centuries in the area they are sourced them from. • Are harvested in a sustainable manner. Be sure to visit www.naturesoap.co.za and discover many more uses for these wonder-nuts, as well as order some for YOUR home! Also available on the site are ‘Enchantrix’ products, which are also Ethical & Eco Friendly’. Their range includes Body Care, Kids & Household products, all at a price to suit your economically-stunted-but-eco-conscious-budget :-)

Eco-Detergents: Nuts about Soap Nuts! Belinda Kersten Eco Detergent: Nuts About  Soap Nuts Following on a short story of these littl...